Saturday, August 14, 2010

Two Months of Adventures!


I can’t believe it’s been two months since I’ve posted anything. A lot has happened since then. We are now in Wiesbaden, Germany and here is a picture of our view from our hotel. It is such a beautiful place to be. The last two months we have been in Texas and Utah visiting family and friends. Here are a few pictures and videos from our adventures.

After James’ graduation, we packed up the car, left Monterey, California, and headed to Texas.DSCN0541

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We decided to make the three day trip a little more exciting by stopping at the Grand Canyon halfway. It was well worth the extra hour.

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In San Antonio we stopped by a really fun animal park, where you get to drive around and feed the animals out of your hand. There are some that are starving for attention and some that are starving for food. They were so cute.

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On Pioneer Day, we decided to try something new…ice blocking. It was so much fun, but a bit scary.

Now we are in Germany and trying to get used to the change in culture, language, time, and everything else that is different, but loving every minute of it. Here are a few pictures we took on the top of the roof of our hotel.

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I can see the wheels turning here.



These are from the inside of our hotel. The sky is so beautiful here.

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1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you made it safe. I was beginning to wonder...:) Can't wait to hear how Germany is!
