Friday, June 4, 2010

Ethan turns 6

With moving next week, James’ testing last week and this week, appointments, paperwork, appointments, and more appointments going on we decided to try to simplify things this year for Ethan’s birthday.  We thought it would be fun to take Ethan and a friend whale watching instead of throwing a big birthday party.  We asked him which one he would prefer and luckily he was all for the whale watching trip.  He loves sea animals and watches the nature videos religiously, so we were excited for him to see these amazing creatures in person and in their natural habitat. I have to say I was pretty excited myself to experience this.  I read up on these trips on the internet and read a bunch of reviews about them.  Most of them raved about how wonderful it was, but there was also a lot of comments about all of the people who got sea sick on the boats.  I decided to be extra careful and prepared and took a motion sickness pill before, even though I’ve never been sick from being on a boat.

We were a little early so we were one of the first ones.  Here we are enjoying ourselves before we set off on our adventure.

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Unfortunately I didn’t get many good pictures.  We saw two humpback whales.  A mom and her baby.  They didn’t do a whole lot.  We saw their tails come out of the water a couple of times and their mouths from feeding.  It was still amazing to see them though.

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Due to my taking pictures, I lost my equilibrium and started feeling sick about half way through the trip.  So the second half I spent at the back of the boat ready to lose it over the side if need be.  I definitely wasn’t alone back there.  There were people getting sick all around me.  Unfortunately as we started to head back I couldn’t hold it anymore and lost my breakfast to the sea.  Ethan had a great time, though.  It didn’t affect him at all and he wants to go again sometime.  I’m not sure I will be on that trip if he does.


Here are some more pictures I took of him opening his presents and blowing out his candles.  Probably a bit more than you need to see, but it gives you a play by play :)

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He was very excited about his guitar we got him and wanted me to take this video of him.  It’s kind of funny though, at the end he was definitely done.


Here’s the cake I made.  It looks a little weird because I decided to try being creative.  The border on the bottom is ethan over and over, in case you couldn’t tell ;)

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I can’t believe he is already 6.  He is definitely a special young man who is learning and growing so much lately.  We are so lucky to have him in our family.

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