Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We have a 7 year old?!


I cannot believe that Ethan is already 7!  Where has the time gone?  He has really grown up this past year.  It is amazing all of the things that he has courageously conquered and endured…moving to a new country, starting a new school with a foreign language, learning the new language, becoming a big brother…and he has done it very patiently and maturely.

This year for his birthday he wanted to have a Lego party.  Since I have been having a difficult time recovering from having Tybee and adjusting to a newborn’s schedule, we decided to go the easy route…we held the party at the Lego Store.  It turned out to be the perfect thing because they did everything.  We didn’t even have to stay during the party.  They had all 8 kids thoroughly engaged the whole two hours.  It was great!!  Afterwards we walked the kids to the park for cake and presents. 

In these pictures the kids look a bit bored, but they were just getting started and getting to know each other.  Half of them were German kids from Ethan’s school and the other half were American from church.  I was impressed how well they did together.



While they were at the party we left and enjoyed a little lunch at the bakery around the corner…Can I just say again, that this was the easiest party I have every given and probably the most fun for the kids.  It was a win, win situation Smile







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