Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Garmisch Part 3: Alpspitz

During our “free time” we decided to head to the top of the Alpspitz which is the second tallest point in Germany.  The Zugspitz is the tallest, but it cost 3 times as much to go to the top of it and there isn’t anything to do up there.  At the Alpspitz they have hiking trails and activities for kids.

Garmisch Part 2

During the day, James and I had classes we had to attend and so we took Ethan and Tybee to child care.  Ethan had a blast at his.  They went hiking, saw a “candy castle”, rode up a ski lift, went to Munich to see some animal town, watched movies, etc.  He didn’t want to leave he had so much fun there.  Tybee, on the other hand, did not have the same joyful experience.  This was her first time being left with someone else for an extended period of time.  I’m not sure who it is was harder on, us or her, but she did not enjoy it.  However, some good did come out of it because she now goes to other people a lot easier than she did before.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Garmisch Part 1: Tybee’s First Swim

At the end of August our family was lucky enough to go on an all expense paid trip to Garmish, Germany for a marriage retreat.  It was a lot of fun and very profitable for us.  The resort/hotel had an indoor pool that we decided to take Tybee to for her first experience of swimming.  Unfortunately they had a rule that she had to be wearing a flotation device.  She did not like this rule.  As you can see in the pictures we eventually took it off because she was really not liking it.