Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fun day with friends

Last week we had dinner with one of James’  best friends, Josh, and his family.  They have three boys, one of which is just a year older than Ethan.  They got along so well that we wanted to get together again before we head off in under two weeks.  We wish we had done this months ago so they could have had more time together.  They seem to be two peas in a pod kind of like James and Josh are.  So yesterday we went for a little hike down to a beach in Garrapata.

The boys liked climbing up the side of the rock cliffs and jumping off.

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Serious Ethan…I wish I knew what goes on inside that head.  It is always busy thinking.

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They are definitely two of a kind. Stephanie (Josh’s wife) and I had to laugh and take pictures of these two just hanging out on the side of the cliff having a deep philosophical conversation.

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It definitely was another beautiful, fun day in Monterey, California.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Only 2 and a half More

We only have 2 weeks and 4 days left before we leave beautiful Monterey and head to Texas.  Where did all of our time go?  It has gone way too quickly.  We are trying to enjoy this one of a kind place, with what little time we have left here, as much as possible.

Last week I noticed this very large congregation of California Sea Lions by Fisherman’s Wharf.  So on Saturday we decided to go check them out and take some pictures.  There were well over a hundred of them there.  They were incredible to watch…a bit stinky, but I could’ve watched them all day.  After that we headed over to the aquarium and had a great afternoon.  Here are some of the pictures we took.

The sea lions blend in really well with the rocks, but if you look closely you can see them wrapped all the way around the water on the rocks.  There are some in the water too.

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At the end of this video you will notice James and some other guys checking out a lone sea lion making sure it wasn’t sick or hurt, while Ethan and I were watching the group.


This was our third time to the aquarium since we’ve been here and we finally discovered that they had sea turtles.  I was so excited, I didn’t think they had any.  They were the cutest things, next to the feeding sea otters and  penguins that we saw, of course.

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I know that was a lot of pictures of the sea turtles, but as I said, I was excited we happened upon them.

This penguin was not very cooperative…he hid his head just as i took his picture.


These last pictures are from the balcony of the aquarium.  It was such a beautiful day, cold, but beautiful.

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We are struggling with getting Ethan to just stand still and smile while we take his picture, but we are hopeful it is just a phase.  He is a cutie nonetheless.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mother’s Day Weekend


For Mother’s Day, we had my mom, grandma, and aunt visiting for the weekend.  As usual, we did a lot of eating, some shopping, and enjoyed the scenery.  It was a lot of fun having everyone here.

Here are a bunch of pictures from our adventure at the carmel river beach.  We were hoping for some sun tanning, but it was a bit cold.  At least we were able to exfoliate our feet :)

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I finally got a smile.  What a cutie!

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